muay thai vs kickboxing cual es mejor

Posted by on 23. September 2022

muay thai vs kickboxing cual es mejor

If we had to sum it up in just one sentence; it would be this: “If you want to learn how to strike with all 8 bodily weapons, go blindly with Muay Thai but if you’re looking for more mobility of movement, kickboxing might fit you like a glove.”. The organized sport of Muay Thai is less than a hundred years old, but the techniques used are thousands of years old. This incredibly effective form of unarmed combat was used by the warriors of siam for thousands of years. If you watch one match each with wide-open eyes and head, you would be able to figure out the key differences very easily. ¿Es realmente un buen entrenamiento? The use of knees in Kickboxing however, are only allowed in some select styles and rulesets. Dutch fighters mastered heavy leg kicks (among other aspects) and Western boxing-style strikes. This was the first time that westerners had been exposed to the art of Muay Thai. Practitioners of Muay Thai follow the footsteps of Thai warriors. Muay Thai is the national sport of Thailand and that should explain its English translation to ‘Thai Boxing’. You can only land knees without pulling your opponent into your knee. In Muay Thai, elbows and knees are used regularly and make up a vast majority of the techniques used. La diferencia entre el Kickboxing y el Boxeo es muy evidente en los nombres; el primero implica golpear con las manos y las piernas mientras que el segundo sólo implica el uso de las manos. Algunas personas quieren ser capaces de protegerse a sí mismas, mientras que otras quieren ser un guerrero experto. If we take the broader perspective into consideration, Muay Thai is considered to be the more ‘complete’ form of martial arts and that is because it incorporates the clinch, elbow strikes, and knee strikes while kickboxing does not. These warriors were considered some of the fiercest fighters of their time. Are Martial Arts Worth Doing? También no es un arte marcial tradicional. ¿Qué debe esperar exactamente de su clase? Both these martial art forms require dedication and determination and if you manage to excel in either of them, your opponent would find it very hard to overpower you. Clinching is only allowed and practiced within the art of Muay Thai. MMA competitors also use other styles, like Karate, but Muay Thai tends to be the primary . Muay Thai vs Kickboxing: Which Style is Better for Physical Fitness? Política De Privacidad | Muay Thai vs. Kickboxing - Muay Thai Citizen; 4 consejos esenciales para practicar correctamente el Muay Thai Clinch 10 motivos para eligir el Muay Thai el arte marcial perfecto These are much less present in Muay Thai. This can be seen in the differences in Muay Thai kicks vs Kickboxing kicks. For example, when your opponent throws a punch, its common to see Kickboxers evade the punch with a slip, before returning with their own. Kickboxing refers to a group of stand-up combat sports based on kicking and punching. Kickboxing vs boxeo para la defensa personal. When your opponent throws a knee to your torso, you can step back and hook under their leg – and then trip or strike with a knee of your own or with an elbow. In Kickboxing, kicks below the belt are illegal. Es básicamente una actividad deportiva, que puede ser utilizada para la autodefensa. Elbow strikes, leg kicks, knees and brutal clinches to deliver throws and takedowns are fair play.

  • {thumb} {title} {stats}<\/span><\/li>"},"theme":{"name":""}}, The development of Muay Thai vs Kickboxing, The development of other forms of kickboxing, The similarities between Muay Thai vs Kickboxing, The differences between Muay Thai vs Kickboxing. 9w; See more of Taekwondo Post on Facebook. Sin embargo, debido a que la pierna principal está girada, no se pueden controlar las patadas, lo que te deja vulnerable al feroz golpe de pierna del Muay Thai. Ambos incluyen un riguroso entrenamiento físico para que los ataques sean más duros y para ayudar al deportista a absorber el daño. La batalla requería emociones, fuerza, agresividad y la mayoría de las veces terminaba en lágrimas, pero eso no nos impedía querer volver a luchar y tener otra oportunidad de derrotar a nuestros enemigos. La vestimenta o ropa de pelea que se usa también es . While Muay Thai and kickboxing may seem very similar, they do have some glaring differences. Striking Style. Here is how these striking arts were developed. It is very normal for fighters from both disciplines to train and even compete in both Muay Thai and kickboxing. This puts you at a further distance away from your opponent but sets you up perfectly to kick their supporting leg out from under them. This slow start though, seems to be more of a traditional approach to fights in Thailand and is not seen as much in western Muay Thai fights. It also additionally provides you with additional ways to attack which American Kickboxing doesn’t. American kickboxing was developed during the 1960s. Modern MMA requires a lot of clinching work and you cannot expect to be successful in MMA without knowing how to fight in it. 8w; Most Relevant is selected, so some comments may have been filtered out. But the general strategy in Muay Thai relies more on power and toughness than on finesse and precision. In the debate about Muay Thai vs Kickboxing, let’s look at defense. 1 Leigh Wood WKO 12 Michael Conlan. in addition to offering fists and elbows as the opportunity is created. Much of the Japanese kickboxing style however comes from Karate. There are currently two promotions that are the most prominent Muay Thai and kickboxing promotions. The head rests on hunched shoulders. This leads to the confusion of some thinking that Muay Thai and kickboxing are the same thing. This martial art uses fists, elbows, knees, and feet. Krav Maga, un sistema de defensa personal desarrollado para las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel (IDF). To say who would win a fight between a Muay Thai fighter and a kickboxer would depend on the rule set. But in Kickboxing, The International Kickboxing Federation (IKF) – who govern Kickboxing events all over the world – have clear guidelines on the use of elbows in their competitions. Las artes marciales tienen una larga historia de prácticas sistematizadas que se han practicado con diversos fines, como la defensa personal, la aplicación de la ley y los usos militares, así como el crecimiento mental y espiritual. {"title":"Favorites","limit":"10","offset":0,"range":"last7days","time_quantity":"24","time_unit":"hour","freshness":false,"order_by":"views","post_type":"post","pid":"","cat":"","taxonomy":"category","term_id":"","author":"","shorten_title":{"active":false,"length":0,"words":false},"post-excerpt":{"active":false,"length":0,"keep_format":false,"words":false},"thumbnail":{"active":false,"width":0,"height":0,"build":"manual","size":""},"rating":false,"stats_tag":{"comment_count":false,"views":false,"author":false,"date":{"active":false,"format":"F j, Y"},"category":false,"taxonomy":{"active":false,"name":"category"}},"markup":{"custom_html":false,"wpp-start":"

    A loud and clear, NO! Known as the “Art of Eight Limbs,” Muay Thai teaches you how to use the hands and feet, as well as your knees and elbows to strike. Kickboxing meanwhile uses a 4-point striking system that is rooted in punches and kicks. Each of these Kickboxing styles have differences in the techniques that they teach and the rules that are allowed in competition. We are proud to donate 10% of our net profits to people and organizations at both a local and national level. Some of the most known types of kickboxing aside from Muay Thai are: For this article, we’ll cover the type of kickboxing that is done under Glory and K-1 rules, which encompasses these styles. En el kickboxing, no se permite el uso de rodillas y codos. Aquí, los golpes y las patadas son duros y rectos. Western boxers would even participate in exhibitions against the Thai soldiers. There are also elements of surprise in the kickboxer’s attacks. You can also grab a hook under your opponent’s leg from when you’re already inside the clinch. Los deportes siguen reglas, y las reglas no existen en las situaciones de defensa en la calle. • Las patadas por debajo de la cintura no están permitidas en Kickboxing. Under Muay Thai rules, a Thai boxer would have a clear advantage in being able to clench and throw elbows. This adds a significantly greater dynamic, and it adds another component to the workout you get from practicing this style, too. (Hint: It’s not the chocolate!). The Thai stance places most of the weight on the back foot, with the front foot being very light and bouncy on the floor. Muay Thai is an ancient martial art originating from Thailand which has since grown into their national sport. For example, Muay Thai allows knees, elbows, leg kicks, and the clinch, whereas Kickboxing doesn’t. Over time, the Dutch style became more distinct. Muay vs other styles of kickboxing may seem similar, but were developed in vastly different ways. In between battles, Thai officers would set up Muay Thai exhibitions to entertain their troops. ¿Muay Thai o Boxeo? Al igual que en la lucha libre, donde los jugadores luchan entre sí, en Muay Thai también se permite la lucha, ya que las rodillas y los codos también se utilizan en el arte. Está el famoso clinch tailandés en Muay Thai, que está ausente en el kickboxing. This gives Muay Thai the edge. • El muay thai es una mejor técnica de defensa personal. It is quite common for both kickboxers and Muay Thai fighters to transition to each sport. There are many other differences between Kickboxing and Muay Thai, including their origins and traditions. Todo comenzó con Conlan registrando una gran caída en la primera ronda con una . Un estilo es practicado por los adherentes del International Taekwon-Do y el otro estilo proviene de Kukkiwon, la fuente del sistema de combate sihap gyeorugi. La principal diferencia entre el boxeo y el kickboxing es que éste último incorpora movimientos de golpeo con las piernas además de los brazos. Generally, more Thai fighters compete in both styles, but many kickboxers have ventured into Muay Thai. It reached its peak in popularity in the 1980s. Eto catigo generalmente e baan en el grado legal de aein... Reservados Todos Los Derechos © - 2023 Whether you enjoy boxing, kickboxing, or Muay Thai more, we offer you a healthy environment to learn and grow. El boxeo y el kickboxing comparten muchas ventajas cuando se trata de un altercado callejero. ©2019 Plus One Defense Systems. As time went on, Muay Thai has become one of the most popular striking martial arts in the world. Una de las mayores diferencias en comparación con el kickboxing de contacto total y el Muay Thai es el equipo o la protección utilizada. Don’t Just Make A Resolution- Be Resolute. Things like a solid stance, maintaining a . 2 years ago I got into the art of eight limbs. Giving a huge advantage to the kickboxer. Whereas the muay thai fighters rely more heavily on kicks and single power shots. As a student at Plus One you are investing in yourself and your community. Thai boxing bouts would be held in boxing rings, with boxing gloves, rounds, weight classes, and a governing body. MUAY THAI VS KICKBOXING | ¿CUAL ES MEJOR? The biggest difference is that Muay Thai uses an eight-point striking system. Video: muay thai vs taekwondo vs kick boxing cual es mejor? That's why it's called the 'The Art of 8 Limbs'. When you play other sports, like basketball, you are focused on the task at hand- moving the ball down the court and working with your team to score. Later on it would also implement facets of Muay Thai within the martial art. That is for sure. Complete the form below to get registered. Miras el horario de clases de tu gimnasio local y ves que tienen clases de boxeo y kickboxing que puedes tomar como parte de tu membresía. Lastly, the most obvious difference is that Muay Thai is an eight-point striking system, which means that elbows, punches, knees, and kicks are all allowed. Mientras que la elección de cualquier forma de arte marcial, siempre es mejor tener una idea básica acerca de lo que podría estar buscando y si cumple con su necesidad o no. As is evident by now, there is no ‘definitive’ answer to this and it all boils down to your personal preference. Furthermore, regardless of the different styles of kickboxing, the use of elbows and knees are generally not present. Don Wilson ha sido llamado por la STAR System ratings en Kickboxing como el mejor kickboxeador de todos los tiempos debido a su impresionante récord y a su logro sin precedentes de 11 campeonatos mundiales, logro que le valió un Record Guinness por la mayor cantidad de títulos de kickboxing logrados por un hombre en 2002. . Se cree que la forma de boxeo que implica el uso de los puños se originó en Grecia en el año 688 antes de Cristo. Elbows In Muay Thai, elbows are allowed to the head, the body and to the legs of your opponent. Volviendo al tema que nos ocupa, ¿qué es mejor? Los cuatro disciplinces son: El kickboxing es una forma de arte, así como un tipo de deportes marciales, que se basa únicamente en patear y golpear. Su elección se basa en sus preferencias personales. It basically comprises elements of punching and kicking. Cuerpo sano: Iniciamos la semana con el instructor Roberto Endoneo, del INDEPORTE de la Ciudad de México, para darnos una rutina de ejercicio mientras nos ex. MMA fighters who have graced the art called Muay Thai, are much more prone to landing vicious knees to the body and elbows to the side of the head. También se practicó en varias organizaciones civiles, incluyendo escuelas y universidades. Muay Thai is also referred to as ‘Thai Boxing’ sometimes. As an Amazon Associate, Loyal Martial Arts earns from qualifying purchases on Amazon through our affiliate links, at no extra cost to you. These will damage an opponent. Here are the most common differences between Muay Thai and kickboxing. The 8-point striking system is a fighter’s two fists, two knees, two elbows, and two feet. Going through all of the differences and similarities that the two striking arts share. So, for those folks who do desire to put their learning into practice, we are sure to offer a safe and fun environment. The sport truly became popular in the United States, back in the 1970s. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Targeting also changes, in that the legs are a very predominant target in Muay Thai. He has training in a variety of fundamental techniques which are forbidden. Since there are many similarities to the training and conditioning of both styles, fighters from each often compete in both. Sin embargo, ten cuidado. 1. ONE later started promoting Muay Thai events, which became incredibly popular. When it comes to kickboxing, kickboxers can only use four limbs to . Las fuerzas policiales, los militares y los civiles que buscan aprender a defenderse a menudo aprenden Krav Maga. Practitioners in Japan, North America and Europe all may have their own understandings of the term. If we trace its roots, it is historically developed from karate mixed with boxing. Who wins in Muay Thai vs Kickboxing? In the Far East, after more than a century of development, Muay Thai became extremely popular in the West during the 20th and 21st centuries. A boxer can hit to the front of the head and face and also to the body. The development of Muay Thai vs Kickboxing. Thailand is an exception in a region of the world that the French and British Empires dominated. Las desventajas que comparten el kickboxing y el boxeo provienen del hecho de que ambos se practican como deportes. • En kickboxing, solo se permiten cuatro puntos de contacto. This will reduce the repertoire of a Muay Thai fighter and favor the kickboxer. El combate se desarrolla en un ring de boxeo, normalmente con guantes de boxeo, protectores bucales, pantalones cortos y pies descalzos . La diferencia más aparente entre Muay Thai y Kickboxing es la cantidad de puntos de contacto permitidos en cada deporte. The two are distinct fighting styles with different fighting techniques, rules and histories. But it also took inspiration from Muay Thai and emphasized the use of leg kicks to go along with their boxing. Se realiza con un objetivo de autoprotección. Now many of the best Muay Thai fighters in the world want to fight in One Championship. This is primarily the reason why Muay Thai is also sometimes called the ‘Art of eight limbs’. In Muay Thai, you are allowed to clinch an opponent and pull their head down as you throw a knee strike. In Muay Thai, the round house (Thai style) kick is the most common. (This is why you usually see Muay Thai as the predominant style of choice for striking in Mixed Martial Arts. The differences between Kickboxing and Muay Thai are their styles, their rules, and the techniques they each allow. If you're in America most "muay thai" is a hybrid of kickboxing and muay thai as Thais practice it. For example, Kickboxing kicks sometimes look more like a quick snapping kick (sometimes landing with the foot) – this style of kick is very similar to the style of point scoring seen in Karate (from which Kickboxing is said to of evolved from). The primary difference, and the one most obvious to spectators, is that boxers only throw punches, while Muay Thai artists integrate punches, elbows, kicks . Si recuerdas, solo hay dos puntos de contacto en el boxeo (manos) y cuatro puntos de contacto en otras artes marciales (manos y piernas). Both have elements of mixed combat including leg kicks, push kicks, straight punches. The main similarity that Muay Thai and kickboxing share is that they share some of the same techniques. Here is how these striking arts were developed. In a street fight with no rules, the winner is the combatant with the most weapons at his disposal. Por último, el Muay Thai te permite estar en posición cuadrada con respecto a tu oponente, mientras que el boxeo te enseña a estar en posición horizontal, lo cual es contraproducente cuando se trata de patadas fuertes que pueden venir de una larga distancia y de cualquier lado. Desde Martial Tribes queremos ayudarte a que conozcas las características más importantes de cada una de ellas y aprendas a distinguirlas. These combine to a total of eight potential weapons to strike and overwhelm an opponent. MUAY THAI VS KICKBOXING | ¿CUAL ES MEJOR? • El kickboxing es un deporte relativamente nuevo que se originó en Japón en los años 60 y llegó al oeste una década más tarde, donde fue popularizado por Bruce Lee. or. Wow, 10w; Norman Campos. What unites them all is the fundamental use of punches and kicks in a combat sport. Wuao . Some of these newer additions to the martial arts canon incorporate aspects of other martial arts. Te resultará mucho más fácil determinar hacia dónde quieres ir si eres consciente de las ventajas y desventajas de cada una de estas artes marciales. Some notable differences are as follows: This style focuses on utilizing the hands. En esta clase realmente golpeamos y pateamos las almohadillas, a diferencia de las clases de cardio boxing/kickboxing en las que se hace boxeo/patadas en la sombra.”. If you opt for Muay Thai, you would know more about the clinch and have a longer striking range. Some allow the free use of knees, while others only allow them to be used to the body while in the clinch. Regular exercise is a simple solution to get you feeling good fast. It was founded in 1976. We may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. Desde esta postura se pueden lanzar patadas delanteras y traseras, patadas de control, y codos y rodillas. While Thai troops were stationed in Europe, they were also exposed to the sport of western boxing. Some notable fighters that have held American kickboxing titles include: Duke Roufus. Ambos incluyen un riguroso entrenamiento físico para que los ataques sean más duros y para ayudar al deportista a absorber el daño. This is so it is instantly ready to be brought into action and used for a push kick to keep your opponent at a distance and stop their attack. Whether your focus is self-defense, overall health, competition, sport, or getting into the octagon, the team at Plus One Defense Systems is behind you, pushing you to new heights! The development of Muay Thai. Muay Thai, American Kickboxing, and Boxing all over a great workout. In Kickboxing, however – like in MMA and Boxing – it’s not uncommon to see the action begin from the first bell and to continue to the last. A fight confined by the Kickboxing rules will cancel out the clinch, elbows and knees. In Muay Thai, a lot of the action takes place in the clinch. Although some people still refer to Muay Thai as Kickboxing, they are two distinctly different things. Muay Thai vs Kickboxing: Striking Systems. Those ancient fighting styles trace their origins to ancient monks. In Muay Thai however, there is more of a one-for-one approach. Check out our detailed guide on Muay Thai for self defense. [1] Las carteleras de ONE Championship abarcan peleas de artes marciales mixtas, kickboxing, muay thai y submission grappling. You probably already know how the art of Muay Thai was developed, but let's go ahead and give a quick breakdown. UU. Kickboxers utilize a volume of combos whereas Muay Thai fighters prefer a timed single weapon (Silva et al., 2011). Karate saw a formidable opponent in Muay Thai. Attacks are carefully, but also violently, orchestrated through maneuvering around the ring. • El muay thai es más ofensivo que el kickboxing. This is due to its origins on the battle field, and its necessity to be able to inflict as much damage as possible. The first American Kickboxing World championship was held in 1974 and organized by the Professional Karate Association (PKA). This exposure showed the world the effectiveness of the Dutch style of kickboxing. Prior to this, the Dutch presence in South East Asia, notably Indonesia, brought martial arts to the Netherlands. Their fighting stances and use of head movement are different too. Algunos de los artes marciales que han ganado popularidad en los últimos años incluyen el Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, el Muay Thai y el Kickboxing. Sabemos Contabilidad K-1 never allowed elbows and Glory do not allow elbows within their matches. It still doesn’t change the fact that it is not as useful as Muay Thai simply because it lacks clinch work. Es una forma de deporte en la Corea moderna. Glory took the helm as the world’s top kickboxing promotion after K-1 Kickboxing ceased operations in 2013. Both Muay Thai and kickboxing share many of the same similarities between one another. This also enables them to easily shift to boxing and vice versa. Este dummie, este hecho de los mejores materiales es liviano para facilitar el traslado. tras la cual . For many fighters who have already made a dent in the game, Muay Thai is considered to be superior and a lot of credit has to be attributed to the usage of clinching. For the most part, there are a lot of similarities. MUAY THAI VS KICKBOXING | ¿CUAL ES MEJOR? Whereas, Muay Thai kicks land heavy with the lower shin, and are aimed and fired at the opponent to cause maximum damage. En las peleas profesionales de Muay Thai no se usan protecciones para las piernas o los pies, pero en el kickboxing se usan almohadillas y espinilleras. Throughout a Muay Thai fight, it’s common to see a Thai fighter take a shot and then give a shot – while keeping their head in place and just covering up with their hands to absorb their opponent’s punches, before returning fire with their own. Muay Thai is an extremely aggressive combat sport where forward momentum is part of the fighter’s consciousness. La explicación de esto es simple: en esta postura, el luchador puede lanzar patadas, rodillas, puños y codos a la vez. Mostly due to the influx of Dutch kickboxers that fought in Thailand in the 1980s and won with better boxing skills. Tradicionalmente se utilizaba en las guerras como forma de defensa personal y de asalto. For example, in the IKF’s Unified and International Kickboxing rules, kicks to the inside and outside of the thighs are allowed. Esta forma de arte se practica principalmente en Japón, América y Tailandia, junto con las otras partes del mundo. In this day and age when viciousness is prowling on the streets in every form imaginable, it is crucial to have some self-defense tactics fed in your reflexes. En este post, sin embargo, vamos a ver las principales diferencias y similitudes entre los dos modelos. Kickboxers tend to utilize more boxing, elusive head movement and creating angles using sleek footwork, throwing punching and kicking combos. Sabemos de boxeo y también de artes marciales como el karate. ht… See more. Se dice que es "El arte de patear y golpear" o "El arte del combate desarmado". This exchange of techniques and ideas has helped both striking disciplines improve and evolve. Both Muay Thai and kickboxing are incredibly effective striking styles that have some phenomenally talented fighters. Puedes controlar las patadas con ambas piernas si te mantienes cuadrado. The heavy influence of boxing in kickboxing actually influenced Thai boxers to focus more on their boxing skills. Surprisingly, I find the basketball takes out more of our clients to injury than boxing, kickboxing, or Muay Thai. También implica técnicas estándar de patadas y puñetazos. However, kickboxing is a four-point striking system; hence it permits kicks and punches only. The problem with learning Boxing first is ultimately they are both very different striking arts, as learning Boxing first could give you very bad habits that will be difficult to correct when transitioning over to Muay Thai. You can learn more on our Terms & Conditions page.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'loyalmartialarts_com-large-leaderboard-1','ezslot_10',147,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-loyalmartialarts_com-large-leaderboard-1-0');report this ad, link to Are Martial Arts Worth Doing? Another significant difference is the fighter’s approach to movement and attack. Suspendida por dos de los momentos más dramáticos del año, la pelea de marzo entre los pesos pluma Wood y Conlan fue el tipo de pelea que le muestras a los recién llegados al deporte con la esperanza de que se queden. Es decir, controlar la parte superior de tu adversario con el fin de atacar con las rodillas y . ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre el boxeo y el kickboxing? This will reduce the repertoire of a Muay Thai fighter and favor the kickboxer. Aquí, hay una patada continua junto con las patadas continuas en la cara del oponente. El kickboxing, en cambio, se originó en Tailandia hace unos 2000 años y se inspiró en el kárate y el muay thai. The clinch for example exists in some variations of kickboxing while is not permitted in other forms. At festivals thrown by the king, these warriors would perform the Wai Kru and have friendly exhibitions. Muay Thai vs Kickboxing: Which One is a Better Fit for MMA? Site by James Revillini. It also combines elements of Western Boxing such as head movement. Al hacer clic en el botón Aceptar, acepta el uso de estas tecnologías y el procesamiento de tus datos para estos propósitos. Cómo ver de una manera correcta y entender una pelea de muay thai; Muay Thai vs BJJ ¿Cuál entrenar? • El kickboxing se ha convertido en un deporte de combate internacional. It uses stand-up striking along with various clinching techniques. Tanto el muay thai como el boxeo son increíbles como opciones de acondicionamiento físico. Peter Belmar realizando una patada circular. Muay Thai vs Kickboxing: Which is Better for Self-defence? El Chicago Athletic Clubs ofrece una gran variedad de clases de boxeo y kickboxing, incluso una clase de entrenamiento en grupo reducido sobre defensa personal femenina, y todas las clases son zonas sin prejuicios abiertas a todos los niveles de entrenamiento. El problema de aprender primero el boxeo es que son dos artes de golpeo muy diferentes, y aprender primero el boxeo puede llevar a malos hábitos que son difíciles de corregir cuando se cambia al Muay Thai. El kickboxing es muy popular en EE. However, with boxing, kickboxing, and Muay Thai, the goal is striking. El boxeo y el kickboxing comparten muchas ventajas cuando se trata de un altercado callejero. Se toma desde el punto de vista deportivo. When it comes to the governing body of Kickboxing across the globe, The World Association of Kickboxing Organizations takes the front. Kickboxing offer more of a full body workout, as the legs come into play at a greater level. Its important to know that there is so much crossover nowadays between Muay Thai and Kickboxing that it can be hard to clearly distinguish between a single form or style.

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